155/365: It´s summer!

So, yesterday, I subconsciously decided to skip writing my blog. I wanted to, and then I just went to bed without doing it.

Ohh well, I´ll finish my 365 days eventually. Whatever I write when I´m too tired and don´t have time, is never any good anyway.

Yesterday was the first time of summer. I started my day with the first outdoor yoga class of this year, and it was wonderful. 17 people showed up!

I really didn´t feel like teaching, but afterwards I felt so amazing. It truly showed me how much teaching a yoga class can give to me as well.

Then, I drove to my hometown. The weather was beautiful on the way. Now I´m enjoying a few days with my little sister here, meanwhile somehow trying to study.

Today is reserved for a lot of planning (that didn´t really happen yesterday as planned) so that I can start preparing everything that needs to be done in the next two weeks. I know I´ll only be able to this with a lot of planning – and so much hard work!

So today actually started out perfectly.

I woke up early. I did a 10 minute meditation. I did yoga. I had tea.

By 9 am, I had done so much. This is how I want it to be.

I wonder how long I´ll wish for better mornings, before I actually make them happen!

Now I´m starting class! And then I´ll go to the beach with my sister and her dog.

Have a wonderful Friday.

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